Even without a hefty document packed with reflections, outlooks and advice, robots, sensors, and AI devices are going to be developed by knowledge institutions and the tech industry, and put to use in the horticultural sector. Still we wrote a vision document for horticulture, why is a this needed?
The horticultural sector needs to develop a vision to avoid being taken by surprise by the developments. A proactive attitude is needed more than ever. This piece can be read as a continuation and further development of the role of digitalisation in the ‘Feeding and Greening the Megacities’ strategy.
Digitalisation is too big, too complex and too comprehensive for an individual business owner. He or she needs support; not only strategic support, but also support from the education sector and government authorities. These parties therefore also benefit from a digitalisation vision. So that we all know where the future leads, and above all: which future we want.
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This vision was developed with the input of various growers and (tech) supply companies, branch organizations, research and industry experts as well as during specially organised sessions to discuss the digitalisation vision.
Authors are Colinda de Beer, Mario van Vliet, Peter van der Sar and Woody Maijers.
Thanks to Martin van Gogh for writing the foreword.
InnovationQuarter, Greenport West-Holland and the Province of Zuid-Holland provided financial support.
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